Focusareas Aboutsclc

Governor Jerry Brown, Governor George Deukmejian, Governor Pete Wilson, Governor Gray Davis



The Southern California Leadership Council (SCLC) was founded in 2005 with the help of four former California Governors – Gov. Jerry Brown, Gov. Gray Davis, Gov. George Deukmejian, and Gov. Pete Wilson.




Established as a non-partisan, non-profit, business-led public policy partnership of business and community leaders, SCLC exerts strong leadership on issues of regional significance and provides a common voice on major public policies that are critical to economic vitality, job growth, and quality of life in Southern California.  With the active involvement of former Governors Davis and Wilson, SCLC unites business and community leaders throughout the seven-county region into one effective leadership organization whose membership includes three dozen presidents and CEOs of top Southern California companies.

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